Timax fruit set liquid fertilizer

Liquid industrial fertilizers


Timex Liquid Fruit Set has a set of zinc, boron and nitrogen elements along with organic materials with high absorbency, which is recommended to be used before flowering and during bud swelling. One of the benefits of using Timex Fruit Set is to increase flowering. Preventing the falling of blossoms and turning flowers into fruits. It provides the quality and conditions necessary for the formation of leaves, pollination and complete inoculation of fruit trees, prevents fruit from falling, improves vegetative growth, helps to store food on plants and preserve it for the coming years. It increases the resistance of plants against environmental stresses.

Constituent compounds

Ammonium sulfate, zinc carboxylate, boric acid and organic matter

Guaranteed breakdown

Instructions for use

It is recommended to use it once in the autumn season after harvesting the fruit and before the leaf fall and repeat it in late winter and when the flower bud swells. It can be used both through foliar spraying and irrigation. But the best method is foliar spraying, which allows faster and better absorption.