Horse Feed Additive
Aspazeen Horse Nutrition Group, Hamian Roshd Negin Daneh Co, has been producing horse feed products, providing technical support and assistance to owners, trainers, breeders and all those involved in the horse industry, using the latest science and technical consultants and experts. Our mission is to invent, produce and distribute the best, highest quality and most effective horse nutrition products for the health, performance and happiness of all horses, from the first steps of a foal to the horse's retirement. Every breeder needs their own unique solutions in individual horse nutrition, and Aspazeen experts will be with you and support you at all times.

Aspazeen Horse Concentrates
Aspazeen Horse Supplements
Aspazeen Products Flipbook
Aspazeen's specialized horse nutrition products catalog
ASpazeen horse feeding group of Hamian Roshd Negin Daneh company has produced horse feed products, technical support and support for owners, trainers, breeders and all people related to the horse industry, using the latest world science and technical consultants and experts. Our mission is to create, manufacture and distribute the best, highest quality and most effective horse nutrition products for the health, performance and happiness of all horses, from the first steps of a foal to the horse's retirement. Every breeder needs his own solutions for individual horse feeding, and Spazin specialists will accompany and support you at all times.